Dreaming, Doing, Being:
Pathways to Creative Action

Reboot Your Creativity in a Weekend

Join other creatives – writers, painters, builders, founders, performers, leaders – in a three-day experience designed to awaken your inner artist and build more creative flow.


Where are you in relation to your creativity?

Do you ever feel like you have not yet achieved the biggest creative accomplishments of your lifetime?

Does it feel like your creativity is at a party and you’re at home in FOMO?

Is your creativity locked in a corner somewhere?

Don’t worry. There’s hope.

Here’s the kick in the ass your frustrated inner artist needs.

  • Three days of group, solo, and partner work.

  • 3 pm US Pacific time Friday, Jan. 14 until 12:30 pm Sunday, Jan. 16

  • Instead of learning new tools, free the creative person already inside you

  • Stop trying to make yourself do creative things and allow your creative self to flourish

  • Be guided by two creativity experts and alongside fellow artists

  • Make progress on your own existing project or one you’ve been dreaming of, all from the comfort of your own creative space

  • Ditch the work/life balance trap and increase creative flow across all of your life

  • Be inspired – guaranteed, or your money back.

Want to know more? I’m Interested


Unlock your creativity and remove blocks


Learn mind-body tools to cultivate creative energy


Make real progress on your most important projects

Stop thinking about what’s stifling your vision and start acting as your most creative self. We’ll use a variety of non-rational processes, exercises, and explorations in groups and alone to build new creative pathways. You’ll find new roads to action on current or imagined projects and overcome blocks that have kept you out of your joyful creative flow.

This event is for creators of all types: poets, coders, founders, dancers, musicians, painters, project managers, career rebooters, winemakers. If you have the courage to call yourself an artist, this is your squad. The only prerequisites are that participants be willing to question their beliefs about creativity and themselves as creators and be willing and able to notice deeply and tell themselves the truth about what they notice in themselves. Participants must apply and be interviewed for selection to this workshop. 

An activity from our handbook. All participants get a hard copy of the handbook mailed to them.

An activity from our handbook. All participants get a hard copy of the handbook mailed to them.

We will use guided meditations, group exercises, individual guided creative explorations, and more to shed new light on creative projects through the windows of emotion, memory, movement, and even taste. You will have large blocks of time to be engaged with your creative projects in a group setting, building a new context of support for your work. 

This will be a virtual event that includes shared physical experiences such as picture hunts, tastings, movement, and more. We will not be sharing or critiquing our work; we will be engaging with our work from a variety of novel perspectives. We will work alongside you on our creative projects as well as leading and participating in the various exercises we have planned. 

Some participants will leave having made breakthroughs on creative projects; others will leave with new ideas for existing projects or first steps on long-delayed or avoided projects.

If you feel creatively blocked or are no longer enjoying the creative process, this workshop will get you back on track, or at least show you the map back to your creative path. 

Why This is Different

  1. Full-body learning: you’ll engage your intellect, emotions, and physical being

  2. Transform from the inside out — no clever tricks or multi-part strategies

  3. Work on your actual projects in your own space, with support and guidance when you want it


We’ve taken our most effective tools and techniques for building creative energy and collected them into a book for you to have.

We’ve taken our most effective tools and techniques for building creative energy and collected them into a book for you to have.

The workshop begins at 3 pm (US Pacific Time) Friday and ends at 12:30 pm Sunday. Twenty-two hours of total program time, with ample breaks, individual activities and group project time, guided meditations, and movement. Cost is $750 for early bird registration by Dec. 20th, 2021; $900 for standard registration. All supplies and equipment for group activities will be provided. Scholarships are available.

We will send you a package with essential supplies. Feel free to take them out and play with them, figure out how they work, and make them your own. Just don’t use them all up before we get started. We have some specific uses in mind for all of it.

Begin: Friday, Jan. 14, 2021, 3 pm US Pacific Time

End: Sunday, Jan 16, 2021, 12:30 pm US Pacific Time

Let us know your interested by filling out the short form below!

Or just email Jason or Tim.

Why Do this with Tim & Jason?

The handbook will be used not only during our weekend course, but can also be your go-to resource whenever you need ideas for recharging your creative self.

The handbook will be used not only during our weekend course, but can also be your go-to resource whenever you need ideas for recharging your creative self.

We are walking the path you are on. We are both long-time creative artists in a variety of fields (painting, software design, television news, app development, poetry). Additionally, we’ve spent years coaching other creative professionals — from corporate executives to artists — in support of their creative growth. We are creativity and motivational experts.

Living a creative life is not something you can buy a system for and solve forever. Instead, it is a continuing, evolving journey with reversals, great leaps forward, dead ends and endless vistas of revelation. Jason knows the weeks of feeling depressed and being too overwhelmed by the drama of his art to create. Tim feels like he’s abandoned more projects than he has even started. And both of us have found ways to work through the valleys of doubt and thickets of confusion to get back on the path and create. 

This is what we bring to this workshop — effective tools to re-kindle and re-focus your creative energy that we have used ourselves. That, and a big dose of “I’ve been there” empathy and insight. 

Jason in studio

Jason in studio

This is not an easy life to choose these days, where the world around us is focused on achievement, productivity, time management, and other hallmarks of “making it big.” Your inner artist child does not give a f*ck about the bottom line, OKRs, KPIs, or productivity systems. 

Living a creative life requires honoring a middle path. It requires sometimes putting tools like logic aside and embracing the heart and body as decision-making tools. 

Through our training, practice, and frankly years of making mistakes including losing large sums of money, relationship & people we loved, and prolonged hospital stays, we have found what works – at least what works for us and others we have shared with. 

Jason remembers fondly the transformation he has seen in the groups of people he’s led through a 12-week Artist’s Way cohort. Many of them are creators and proudly wear the label artist now when they didn’t before. Tim has supported hundreds of founders, leaders and work-a-day doers to overcome creative blocks, relationships that stood in the way of progress, or just plain burnout and find what they most want to do now and create the energy to do it.

Tim Peek covering a story in Pakistan

Tim Peek covering a story in Pakistan

You already know how to do your art, and we bet you are an expert craftsperson at it. If not, you can easily become one with the wide availability of information online. We are not going to teach you how to do your art. 

This weekend is about the context of being an artist; it’s not about the content of creating. While the schedule does include big blocks of time for creating content in your own creative space, what we are teaching is not about doing creative stuff, it’s about being a creative being.

This will get a little weird, a little uncomfortable, and we will be by your side the whole way. This process is easier with a guide who has been down these paths before. We are not gurus who have solved everything, but in life, you only need a guide who knows the way and is at least one step ahead. 

We are on this journey of living a creative life every day. We’ve left the deep end of the pool and are in the ocean swimming out towards the last buoys. We look forward to your company on the journey.

About the Facilitators

Tim Peek and Jason Hanson are corporate coaches, former corporate leaders, and practicing artists who have spent years building creative practices for themselves and others. 

We created this workshop because we wanted to take our creativity to the next level. We’ve designed the perfect weekend to make big leaps on our own creative projects. Having other artists join us allows us to support the expansion of creativity in ourselves and in the world at large.

Tim Peek

Tim Peek

Tim Peek is a lifelong storyteller. A four-time national Emmy award winner, Tim worked in network television, newspapers, and digital media following his creative passion. After wrestling for years with his biggest creativity blocker – himself – Tim now practices the art of executive coaching to awaken corporate leaders and teams to their humanity and soul. A coach with the Conscious Leadership Group and certified facilitator with the Young Presidents’ Organization, Tim has presented his work on four continents as workshops, lectures, and small group retreats. He’s been leading businesspeople to greater creativity for nearly a decade. Tim’s current creative project is a book of poetry.

Jason Hanson

Jason Hanson

Jason Hanson is a creator. He is a certified Hendricks Institute Big Leap Coach and Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Facilitator/Trainer through NCCJ St. Louis. He lived a previous life working in tech that serves him well with many little gifts needed by a full-time artist and coach. He spends his time in his studio painting and coaching people as they transition to their creative genius; except for Thursdays. Thursdays are hiking day! He’s enthusiastically painting his way to his next show that will have 50 giant pieces ready to share. His artwork explores bringing his nighttime dreams to visible form and normalizing queer and kinky sex.

Feed Your Artist

Your inner artist child is likely starved for attention. Apply for a spot in this creativity discovery weekend workshop that will feed your inner artist and fuel many weeks of your creative flow.

Imagine the next step finished on your most important creative project. Is that worth a weekend? Let us know!. All applicants will be invited to a 1:1 call with Tim or Jason.

A Glimpse of Art from Tim & Jason

A painting from Jason

A Poem from Tim

Silent Magic is the Most Frightening, 2021

Silent Magic is the Most Frightening, 2021

First Principles

The best question doesn’t beg answering
It pines for the power of unanswered space
Challenging for its own holy sake.

The best tale doesn’t end
with the hero getting the girl and riding into the sunset
The very best tale wonders who really won.

The best meal has no taste
but for awakening all the flavors we ever met
Come rushing back in rapturous remembrance.

The best poem is never written
It’s just the mirror
In which we see our life for the legend it has been.