Color Up: an Art Popup with Plant-Based Healing

Welcome to the Virtual Companion to Jason’s show opening at Rootbound in St. Charles, MO.

Friday, January 21, 2022, 6-9 pm Central

Everything You Need to Know

  • This page includes a LIVE STREAM on Twitch 6-9 pm.

  • Scroll down for the discussion board and chat about the art with Jason and others viewing the show virtually.

  • Want some art? Scroll down even further(!) to see a list of all the art for sale in the show. Email or text Jason about the original art you want to purchase for your home and office. Prices $100 - $16,000.

  • Read all the details about the live event: Link to Facebook Event

  • Follow Jason on Instagram: @jasonhansonart

  • Jason’s Print Store is open again for a limited time. Prices from $20.


Watch on instead

What do you think? Let Jason and everyone know in the chatroom below.

Follow Jason on social media 💖 to see his newest work.

Large Paintings in the Show

Medium Paintings in the Show

Small Paintings in the Show