Fully Arrive in Your Creativity

…in community support of you finishing Julia Cameron’s book The Artist’s Way.



You did it!

  • You’ve read the chapters

  • Shown up to the meetings

  • Wrote your MORNING PAGES

  • Did your ARTIST DATES

  • You felt your feelings and maybe even screamed and cried

Are you a Full-Body YES?

Are you a YES to continuing with a cohort of creative souls who are committing to finish the journey of working Julia Cameron’s book The Artist’s Way?

Your time investment will be for the last half of her 12-week program. I’m handling all the logistics, so you just need to show up and do your homework.

Note: If you are not a full-body YES now, please pass on continuing and reach out at a later date for 1:1 support in finishing, or to join another cohort in the future 🙂.

Jason will hold space and execute logistics so you don’t have to.

Jason will hold space and execute logistics so you don’t have to.

What’s Included?

  • Weekly 60-minute Zoom group meeting each week for six (6) weeks

  • Bonus celebration week meeting after we finish Week 12

  • Online collaboration forum (Slack)

  • Continue with your accountability/conversation partner(s)

  • Unlimited 1:1 support from Jason along the way

Note: You must have completed weeks 1-6 already


  • A commitment of six (6) weeks (weeks 7-12 in the book)

    • Optional bonus week at the end to celebrate

  • Read one chapter a week from The Artist’s Way

  • Daily writing of Morning Pages

  • Weekly homework (homeplay) from the book

  • Two (2) hours a week on your Artist’s Date

  • One (1) weekly 60 minute cohort Zoom call

  • Expression of support to Jason for handling the logistics and facilitation. Some of the fun ways to support me are:

  • Send me cash on Venmo - @Jason-Hanson-34

    • How much? It depends the context of your place in our system of capitalism & systemic oppression. Use this scale as a guide:

      • $0 - Multiple targeted identities (e.g. Black, trans, woman)

      • $5 - Unemployed, transforming your life

      • $25 - Student, activist, or struggling to pay bills

      • $120 - Steady income, stable housing, and entertainment budget

      • $240 - Retirement fund, own home, and takes regular vacations

      • $680 - Have a housekeeper, vacation home, personal trainer, non-retirement investments, expensive hobbies

  • Give me specific and direct feedback on how I can improve

  • Write a testimonial or review I can share publicly

  • Tell other people about what I’m doing in art, coaching, and facilitation

  • Deepen our friendship by scheduling a chat on Zoom

  • Purchase my art from my online store or DM me on Instagram for anything you like there

  • Subscribe to my YouTube and Twitch channels and follow me on Instagram

  • Buy something off my Amazon wishlist - Art Materials I Need

  • Send me a Dick Blick E-Gift Card for art supplies

  • Trade: Are you a social media marketer, branding expert, art critic, studio art assistant, accountant, body worker, shaman, medicine journey guide, handyman, or own a beach house? If so, let’s work out a trade!