4 Ways to Fall in Love with Yourself by Forgiving Your Body - Part 1

Part 1

Photos by Neto Soares

Photos by Neto Soares

My Body

“I love you, I’m never going to leave you.” are the words that escape my lips while staring into my eyes through a handheld mirror, nearing climax as I masturbate, fantasizing about sex with myself.

I am fucking sexy. I love my sexy body, every curve, sharp angle, dab of fat, and taught muscle. I want me. “I’m the best fuck I’ve ever had in my life.” is my thought as I’m coming down and slipping into the stupor of afterglow. That was my morning.

How was YOUR morning?

I’ve not always been this way. It was a journey of self-forgiveness to get here; to fully arrive in my body. I’ve ridden the waves of ups & downs, and I’ve learned a few things about myself too.

If you want to learn the same, if you too want to be the hottest bitch you’ve ever fucked, read on, brave warrior. Just for you, my dear, I’m going to share my personal four-step process to forgive your body. I’ll show you how to be the source of your own love, attention, and sex. Your cup will be full, with more than enough to share with others and attract the same back to you.

My mission is to teach millions of people trapped in high masculine energy to access their emotions and unlock the power of their feminine energy.

Want to come along?

Step 1: Accept That Your Body Has Wisdom

Have you ever heard stories of birds fleeing from volcanoes days before an eruption? What about other animals behaving oddly just before a tsunami hits? This behavior is more than just anecdotal evidence and folklore. Modern science is catching up to what animals have known for millennia. Our bodies have wisdom.

In 2019, Icarus, a global monitoring system based on the movements of animals, went online. 

This system tracks the actions of thousands of animals and analyzes abnormalities in movement and behavior to inform human decisions. This breakthrough technology is supported by scientific studies correlating the movement of animals to natural disasters.

Animals have an early warning system, and you do too.

Photo by Snapwire

Photo by Snapwire

Your body has more in common with the goats who broadcasted the eruption of Mount Etna in Sicily than you might think. Your body, yes, your own body, has the wisdom from the millennia of your ancestors who survived. Whether you call it a sixth sense, gut feeling, intuition, or don’t believe it exists, it is still there. It’s in you. Learning to access that wisdom is the science of Body Intelligence (BQ)

There are dozens of somatic signals your body picks up on all the time. Some of those signals, like air temperature, barometric pressure, vibration, light, radiation, air quality, and sound, are easily measured by science today. Science is still emerging on the measurement of other signals, like electromagnetic brain signals.

A couple of hundred years ago, science could not even imagine the results of an MIT-run, and NIH funded study into the measurement of brainwaves. In this study, a sensor is placed in the brain, and electromagnetic signals and light are measured and displayed on external devices. Your body is picking up on and sending out signals we have only just begun to understand.

I wonder, how long will it take scientists to discover even more signals that our bodies already know about? How much we are missing out on today? It might be a really long wait. 

The good news is that you can learn to interpret those signals without the aid of Western scientific instrumentation. You simply need to breathe, and a bit of knowledge, to glean the wisdom from those signals.

The journey to loving and forgiving your beautiful body starts with this first step: you must believe in the science that your body is an exquisite high-fidelity instrument sending you signals all the time. Your body is valuable, way more valuable than you currently know. 

Your body, just the way it is today, is a fucking phenomenal machine with an ancestral memory going back many thousands of years. Let’s get to know it a bit better.

This four-part blog will take you on a journey of forgiveness, acceptance, appreciation, love, and even sex for, and with, yourself.

Fin - Only Love Is Left in the End


In this post you learned about how your body is connected to the millennia of your ancestors. In Part 2 you’ll get in touch with the sensations of your body. Part 3 will explore deep self-forgiveness. You’re working up silencing your inner critic with self-appreciation in Part 4. Maybe you jumped ahead and signed up for my email list to get to rekindled a love affair with yourself. 

No matter where you are on your journey, learning to love your body, precisely as it is, will have dramatic effects on your life. Your inner experience will start to shift. Your external experience will be formed by the way people sense your brightly shining love of self. Your body is fucking amazing! 

Hmmm, I wonder what unfound power your body has?



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Drop In: 4 Ways to Fall in Love with Yourself by Forgiving Your Body - Part 2


How to Be the Best Listener for People You Love - Part 3