Appreciate: 4 Ways to Fall in Love with Yourself by Forgiving Your Body - Part 4
If you follow the appreciation steps below every day for two months, you will be transformed. You will become the source of your own love, attention, and even sex. You will never lack for any of those again. Not only that, but you will also be overflowing with the same. Get ready to fall in love with yourself.

Forgive: 4 Ways to Fall in Love with Yourself by Forgiving Your Body - Part 3
Your body still shows up for you every day, no matter how much shade you throw on it. You and it are both doing the best you can with what you have. My dear, the path to freedom starts with forgiveness and love. It starts with forgiving your body.

Drop In: 4 Ways to Fall in Love with Yourself by Forgiving Your Body - Part 2
Being connected with your body is essential to learning to love yourself and expanding your Body Intelligence (BQ) skills. Connecting with your body is a way to meet yourself from a place of loving-kindness. It’s the start of self-love.

4 Ways to Fall in Love with Yourself by Forgiving Your Body - Part 1
If you too want to be the hottest bitch you’ve ever fucked, read on, brave warrior. Learn my personal four step process to forgive your body. I’ll show you how to be the source of your own love, attention, and sex. Your cup will be full, with more than enough to share with others, and attract the same back to you.