Drop In: 4 Ways to Fall in Love with Yourself by Forgiving Your Body - Part 2
Step 2
My Body
In 2018 I was taking a motorcycle class to get my license. It was a dream I had been putting off for many years. I had somehow created a situation where I'm learning something rather dangerous, and at the same time in salary negotiations with two potential new employers. I remember that I had a 15-minute break and needed to make a decision about company A vs company B.
A dear friend of mine, who had been along the journey with me, gave me a suggestion on how to decide. She said to stand straight up, close my eyes, and take a deep breath. While imagining company A, I held with attentive attention to see what my body did. Then I did the same with company B.
I noticed that my body leaned forward slightly for company B. My body leaned slightly backward for company A.
That is how I chose. I went with company B. The slight lean forward was my body saying yes. It was actually saying “FUCK YES! Do that. Do that now.”
“FUCK YES! Do that. Do that now.”
My body already knew, long before I did. It was my best decision I’ve made in recent history.
Your body already knows, too.
Step 2: Drop Into Your Body
It might be easy for you to identify with your thinking mind because your ego-self lives there, and your ego can be a loud and pushy fuck. It’s easy to listen to the loudest and most compelling voice in your head, and this is where most people spend most of their time. Spending time trapped in your incessant thoughts has a price, though. It generates disconnection from your body.
Being connected with your body is essential to learning to love yourself and expanding your Body Intelligence (BQ) skills. Connecting with your body is a way to meet yourself from a place of loving-kindness. It’s the start of self-love.
I have created a way for you to sink more deeply into your body that I call Drop Into Your Body (included below). It builds upon the concept of a body-scan meditation. This simple activity can be done whenever you have 15 minutes to gift to yourself.
In this activity, you will explore connecting with a specific part of your body; you will drop into it. With practice, dropping into your body will become more accessible to you throughout your whole day, not just when you are actively focused on doing so. When you inhabit your body, you temporarily get out of your brain and become more whole, alive, and present to the environment around you.
Try practicing this activity every day for a week to start building your muscle memory for connecting to your body. After you have built the habit, do this activity whenever you feel disconnected from your body as a way to let go of incessant thinking. Over time, with a single intentional breath, you will discover whatever part of your body that needs the most attention. This will become a natural part of your self-check-in throughout the day and a way to download the critical messages your body is sending you.
Click the button below to download your free activity eBook or just preview the embedded PDF below.
Once you are practiced with getting into your body and hearing the messages, it most wants you to know, you are ready to move on. It’s time to level the fuck up with forgiveness in Part 3.
Bonus: Find a Mirror and Fuck Yourself
What would it be like to really be your own source of sex? What if you didn’t need to look outside of yourself to get your physical needs for touch, connection, and orgasm met? How much time do you spend searching, swiping, texting, and hinting & hoping? You can. You can be the best fuck of your life. And, when you are, you will be so overflowing with creative sexual energy that you’ll manifest creativity, joy, and sexual connection back into your life. Keep reading through till part 4 to learn more.
“Only when we’re all willing to own our emotions, and let our lovers and friends own theirs, does anyone have the power to change and grow.”
Only Love Is Left in the End
In Part 1, you learned about how your body is connected to the millennia of your ancestors. You just got in touch with the sensations of your body in Part 2. In Part 3 I’ll show you how to find self-forgiveness for your body. Part 4 will do battle with your inner critic with self-appreciation. You may have even rekindled a love affair with yourself by signing up for my newsletter and doing Find a Mirror and Fuck Yourself.
No matter where you are on your journey, learning to love your body, precisely as it is, will have dramatic effects on your life. Your inner experience will start to shift. Your external experience will be formed by the way people sense your brightly shining love of self.
Your body is fucking amazing!
Hmmm, I wonder what wisdom you can learn from your body today?
Tell me what you think in the comments below ⇩⇩⇩.
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