Forgive: 4 Ways to Fall in Love with Yourself by Forgiving Your Body - Part 3
Step 3
My Body
The photo above is of me, and the aftermath of a motorcycle accident I was in on May 7, 2019. My body didn’t avoid the van that pulled out in front of me. It didn’t stay together after smashing into the van and bouncing off the pavement. It couldn’t even get up and out of the street after I came to a stop. My body failed me that day. I have a dozen new scars, metal holding my bones together, loss of function, and injuries that will never fully heal.
I know about finding forgiveness for my body.
It’s not easy, and it is necessary to become whole. My dear, you must become whole first before you can truly share yourself with others. This is the hardest step for most people. Take a deep breath and walk with me.
Step 3: Forgive Your Body
Your body is the only body you have. You may not be as tall, dark, light, strong, or flexible as you think you should be. Your hair might be too curly or too straight, or not there at all. Your body might not work the way other human bodies work. Your body may not match your gender. Your body may not be able to do everything you want it to.
Yes, and all that is okay.
Your body still shows up for you every day, no matter how much shade you throw on it. You and it are both doing the best you can with what you have. My dear, the path to freedom starts with forgiveness and love. It starts with forgiving your body.
Find love for your body just as it is today. For many of us, this must start with forgiveness. This is the beginning of personal freedom and cracking open the door to fall madly in love with yourself (all over again).
You CAN forgive and learn to love your body, and I show you how in the activity below.
“I am a lover of what is, not because I’m a spiritual person, but because it hurts when I argue with reality.”
Your body is fucking amazing just the way it is. When you do the work/play of daily practice like meditation, yoga, pranayama, tai chi, or cardio, your inner power will radiate to all those you meet.
You may have old recordings that play over and fucking over again in your head about your body. Your body may not have shown up for you in the way you needed it in the past (like mine when it didn’t see that van that ran a red light). Maybe your body froze or fainted when you needed it to fight or flee. You may blame your body for past trauma or current pain.
You may even feel like you are in a battle with your body or that it’s trying to kill you. Maybe you are even suffering from an autoimmune disease. For all of these reasons, and more, you must first forgive your body for the shortcomings you see in it.
This is a shift move, and every shift move starts with total acceptance and love of what is. In time, you might even find that they aren’t shortcomings at all 💛.
After you do this work, people will start walking up and saying things like, “Why are you so happy all the time?” and “I want what you have.” Really. People can sense when you have forgiven yourself and fallen in love. It all starts with forgiveness, and it’s totally worth it.
I invite you to explore forgiveness of your body with an activity I’m calling Forgive Your Body. This activity requires a mirror, some privacy, you being naked, and an open mind. It’s an activity to practice three times a week for three months. This is work that transforms, and in time others will notice a shift in you, even if you don’t yet notice in yourself.
Click the button below to download your free activity eBoook or just preview the embedded PDF below.
After forgiveness, comes falling in love. In Part 4, I’ll take you on a journey of self appreciation and falling in love with yourself.
“To end the misery that has afflicted the human condition for thousands of years, you have to start with yourself and take responsibility for your inner state at any given moment. That means now.”
What would it be like to really be your own source of sex? What if you didn’t need to look outside of yourself to get your physical needs for touch, connection, and orgasm? How much time do you spend searching, swiping, texting, and hinting & hoping?
You can. You can be the best fuck of your life and so overflowing with creative sexual energy that you manifest creativity, joy, and sexual connection into your life.
Only Love Is Left in the End
This one hit hard. Maybe you found a bit of self-forgiveness. Maybe you said “fucking fuck that naked stuff!” Keep at it, it does get easier with practice.
In Part 1, you learned about how your body is connected to the millennia of your ancestors. In Part 2, you got in touch with the sensations of your body. Your inner critic is up for it’s match in Part 4 when it meets self-appreciation. Maybe you signed up for my newsletter and rekindled a love affair with yourself.
No matter where you are on your journey, learning to love your body, precisely as it is, will have dramatic effects on your life. Your inner experience will start to shift. Your external experience will be formed by the way people sense your brightly shining love of self. Your body is fucking amazing!
Hmmm, I wonder what it would be like to deeply forgive your body?
Tell me what you think in the comments below ⇩⇩⇩.
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