How to Be the Best Listener for People You Love - Part 3
Learn to be the best listener in the world and attract people who love you.

How to Be the Best Listener for People You Love - Part 2
Listening is a skill you probably suck at now, and fortunately, you can improve with practice. I’ll share about what you can choose to have going on in your thoughts, words, and energy to bring you into closer connection with people. If you put in the time, you will learn that listening is a gift that few people know how to give. It’s a gift you can share with everyone you meet.

How to Be the Best Listener for People You Love - Part 1
Learn how to be the best listener and build trust and connection with everyone you meet. There is a right way and wrong way to listen to people. Are you really hearing people?

How to Never Be Jealous of People You Love
When I noticed I felt joy at a partner’s stories of sex with other people, I thought I was a freak until I discovered the ancient Buddhist practice of mudita and the new modern word compersion.